Le festival Nuits Sonores a eu la bonne idée de faire revenir Klock et Dettmann jouer dans le jardin de l'Hôtel Dieux et comme on pouvait s'y attendre le lieux a assuré grave ainsi que le déroulement des réjouissances.
Small break and also great to support locals gigs as Nuits Sonores festival !
They had the good idea (as well as last year) of inviting again Klock and Dettmann to come and play live in Hôtel Dieux's garden. As i could expect it, location rocked as much as their records selection (heavy kick as usual).
Good double kick with Felix Kubin appearence who did a really great performence between glitch, abstract, germanics and poetics songs ... strange journey as last time when he played before Tama Sumo in a boat. No doubt this guy knows how to manage style and audacity (red chooses) for very interesting performance ... . another artist that you absolutely have to check out in his home own!

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